
AnaEE is an EU “ESFRI Landmark” ( It is a distributed infrastructure for experiments on both managed and unmanaged ecosystems. It supports scientists in their assessment and forecasting of the impact of global environmental changes on the services that these ecosystems provide to society, including food and fodder production, carbon sequestration and water retention. AnaEE can determine impacts of all major pressures: climate change including more frequent extreme events, eutrophication, biological invasion, pollution, biodiversity loss, etc. It takes up a unique place in the environmental ESFRI cluster by its focus on predicting impacts of environmental changes, and is thus essential in supporting the development of adaptations and solutions for the resulting challenges regarding food security and environmental sustainability.

To provide added value to AnaEE’s platforms and their users, services are delivered jointly at a supra-national level. These services increase the visibility of each platform, improve their technological and experimental capacity, enhance the quality, accessibility and integration of data, and help organize training and interfacing with various stakeholders and delivering scientific syntheses. This added value allows individual platforms to punch above their weight in a field where collaboration and transnational research is ever-more important. The services are organized by the Central Hub (France) and 3 Service Centres: the Technology Centre (Denmark), the Data and Modelling Centre (Italy) and the Interface and Synthesis Centre (Czech Republic). Seven countries are currently actively involved in AnaEE-Europe, including Belgium, with further countries showing interest to join.
